#Trello #task-management ![[trello name.png]] # Objectives of Trello Trello offers an opportunity to implement GTD, which promotes the idea of separating things into lists. You can capture in Trello all the areas which have your focus, to which you want to add detail and to move forward on in some way. The lists in Trello keep things separate and clear, but you can add complexity and subtlety by using labels and custom fields to add context, importance, priority to each of your cards. You can easily move lists around as required to give them the visibility you need (I usually put current or next action lists on the left). You can set up multiple boards for each context, or area of focus, horizon, subject area or project as makes you feel comfortable. ## Introduction to Trello This video is an introduction to Trello showing cards, checklists, kanban view, due dates and scheduling, sync with Google calendar, and adding URL links. ![[Basic features of Trello.png]] The mindmap above describes the basic features of Trello covered in the video below. ![](https://youtu.be/BdjxJBM5EqA) # Trello has many features [Trello](https://trello.com/) has many features including checklists, links, a description section and comments. ![[Trello has many functions.png]] - Trello uses kanban which is simple and visual (drag and drop, no nested tasks) - You can attach links to external resources (Drive, Evernote, websites, emails) - You can set up checklists within cards - Each card can have a due date - Each board can be displayed in calendar, timeline or board view - Trello is very flexible, fast, and available on all platforms. - It synchronizes quickly and reliably across platforms (tablet, phone, desktop, web) - Power ups provide extra functions like Gantt - It feels reliable, solid and highly available. - It is easy to pick up, to open and note your ideas. ![[Trello functions.png]] ## Trello cards Trello cards are self-contained. This means that all key information for a project item can be contained in a card notably its description, a checklist, due date. Defining a task needs a mixture of writing and lists, one plays off the other. You may write first and then create a list or start with a list and then write. But either way, Trello is ideal to reflect on the meaning of your card. The result is a task which feels properly framed, expressed in a ‘doable way.’ Again a vital principle of [[Getting things done GTD]] is ‘If you can’t formulate the job, you can’t do it – your mind will resist doing it. In keeping with this, this may mean changing the title of a card as the task progresses, to be closest to the next action and record past tasks and future endpoints in a checklist, or in comments. ![[attachments centralise information on a Trello card.png]] ## Kanban My systems work like a Kanban. Todoist pulls Trello pulls Ayoa. Three horizons. Design, Planning and Engaging. Kanban is a simple, clear presentation. You can move cards around easily and so there is a mind mapping ‘playful’ feel to it. ![[mjl-tek/Attachments/Trello kanban.png]] Easy presentation in Trello kanban See [[Examples of kanban]] ## Trello checklists A checklist is a sub-to-do list. It may be just a list of things to check. You may need separate task cards “check item 1, check item 2, check item 3”, or the main title of the task card might be “check the 3 items in this list. ![[trello checklists.png]] This principle still complies with GTD which encourages you to phrase tasks as ‘really’ doable things. ## Global list of actions in date order The workspace view provides a table or calendar view of all actions across all boards, but not actions on checklists. Shame though it's not available on android. ![[Trello list of all tasks.png]] ## Calendar sync To sync a Trello board with Google Calendar: 1. Activate calendar view ![[Trello activate calendar view.png]] 2. Enable and copy url ![[Trello copy calendar url.png]] 3. Add url to google calendar ![[Trello add url to calendar.png]] # Links to external resources Trello provides an opportunity to regroup all the information relevant to a theme, subject, area of focus, or task on a single card. ## URL links Trello allows you to add attachments to a card such as files. You can also add links to Evernotes by URL. ## Link to documents You can easily paste links to documents so as for example to explain the background of current thinking related to a card. I feel it is more efficient to store the data in Google Docs and then paste the URL into Trello. Trello then remains a coordinator rather than a storage system. I prefer to restrict Google Docs to ‘native’ Google Docs files (spreadsheets and docs), while keeping other files types (images, word documents) in OneDrive and Dropbox. ## Link to Gmails by URL If I write or receive an email in connection with a task, I link the email to the card by its Gmail URL. I might add a checklist item such as ‘wrote an email to Fred’, then put the card in the waiting column until Fred responds. Another solution involves using Sort’d a Gmail overlay which allows you to create a kanban of your Gmail. # Reporting with Trello Trello used to provide timesheet and time spent [[Reporting with Trello Plus]]. The plug-in and chrome extension are no longer under development, so if you want to record time spent on tasks in Trello, there are new time tracking power ups which will do the job. ![[time tracking power ups in Trello.png]] ## Custom Fields Custom fields you should consider creating: - Next action - Resources needed (tools) - Time needed - Cost ![[Examples of custom fields.png]] ### Custom fields types Text Number Drop-down with colours ![[Trello types of custom fields.png]] # Conclusion A Trello card is clear and includes all relevant information, a description, checklists, comments, linked items. All information is in one place including tracking data, task descriptions are more doable. Recording time and improving estimates contributes to better delivery, more accurate predictions and ultimately better price management. Trello helps to focus on driving forward and organizing time while centralizing other information resources through attached URLs (or files). ![[Trello task card.png]] See [[Translation process with Trello]]