#Ayoa ![](https://youtu.be/Jtrv84meo04) This is really three videos in one. - [[#Ayoa for Mindmapping|Ayoa for Mindmapping]] - [[#The Canvas View|The Canvas View]] - [[#Gantt timeline|Gantt timeline]] ## Ayoa for Mindmapping Presenter ([00:00](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=0&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) This is Ayoa. I wanted to say a few words about mind mapping and the benefits of it, but I thought I'd demonstrate it with Ayoa itself. For those of you who don't know anything about mind mapping, it's a way of really getting everything down out of your mind. It's called mind dumping quite often. Presenter ([00:28](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=28.8&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So if there are a lot of things that are going on in your world, it might be a way of capturing them and getting them down on paper, on a screen. I mean, traditionally, we might do a mind map on paper. So this, Ayoa, is a tool to do that. ### Create a mindmap Presenter ([00:48](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=48.38&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So let's dive in and create a new mind map. So let's call it About Ayoa. All right, so we're just going to start with a blank mind map. We won't go into these other more complicated ways, but this is a simple mind map that we're going to use to mind dump some stuff about Ayoa. So I'm just going to quickly pick a central theme. I'm not really interested in which. Presenter ([01:20](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=80.36&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) Okay. So let's talk about Ayoa. What does it do? What I can do here is just do a tab and then create a new node. Presenter ([01:33](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=93.27&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So you see as we go along that you can create nodes at different levels. Let's say we're going to talk about mind mapping. So we know it does mind mapping. And the next level, we can develop that. We can break it down into detail by staying on this node and then tabbing again. And you see we get another node, and that's the detail underneath. Presenter ([02:05](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=125.15&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So what can we talk about? What can we say in terms of what's mind mapping? So it might be mind dumping. Now, when I just press return, I can create another node at the same level. So it's about organizing your stuff. So there's always an idea that you don't put too much, too many words, on this node, and you try to develop things. I don't put whole phrases. It's really just the theme. I can develop this level as much as I want. I also want to say that Ayoa is about tasks because as you'll see in a little bit, we can link tasks to the mind map. I can say Ayoa is about tasks. It's about creating tasks. Creating tasks. It's about organizing them. And then I want to say linking tasks as well because that's important to me, linking tasks to the mind map. ### Reorganize the mindmap Presenter ([03:18](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=198.86&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So I might go back and then I've had another thought. I might say, right, what's the purpose of mind mapping? I want to go into some more detail of that. You can see there that this node has been put underneath, so I can move that now above, because I might consider that purpose is more important than other things, and I put that at the top. You can position these things manually, but then you've got this automatic rearrange, where you can make it arrange things more clearly. Presenter ([03:54](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=234.41&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So right, that's the basic stuff about a Ayoa. These are the themes that I want to cover. You can see that it does quite a nice job of changing things around in this view on the desktop. I might say, well, that's the only stuff I'm going to talk about, mindmapping and tasks, and then linking them. ## Create tasks for the mindmap Presenter ([04:16](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=256.36&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) Okay, so once you've created this mindmap, I want to say to myself, well, I'm preparing a presentation about Ayoa. So there might be a few things that I need to do related to these things. Let's say that I want to remind myself that I have to create some intro text about mindmapping. Presenter ([04:40](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=280.08&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) I can go into this item and create a task. I'm going to call it, Write Intro Text About Mind Mapping. Fine. So we got a task here. We can click on the detail. We can see that the task location is there. And if we're lucky, we can see that it's not actually related to any mind map node itself. I'm going to link that then to this node mind mapping. Then I know that this node has a task related to it. I can also open the task board. It says open Task Board here. I can see that I have this Write intro text about mindmapping here. And on this task board, I can create categories. So maybe I want to do this like that, say that there's a category of things I'm going to do later, and put that into there. I might create another category that's called Soon, and create another task in here that's called Do Presentation on Ayoa. Okay. So we're starting to build this task board. We can actually change the colour of these things so that they look different. And you can see that's yellow and that's green. ## Link a task to the mindmap Presenter ([06:39](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=399.05&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) This Do presentation on Ayoa task, I can then also link it, let's say, to the central theme, which is About Ayoa. I can go back to the mind map, and you can see now that this About Ayoa node has a task related to it. So in a later session, I'll go perhaps into more detail about the task board. But just for now, it might suffice to say that there are different views to this task board. You can see here workflow view, and there are some really interesting other views, Canvas, Gantt, Urgency Lists, that present this task board in a different way. ## The Canvas View Presenter ([07:25](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=445.11&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So the Canvas view shows the categories here with the tasks inside them. You can move them around. You can collapse them. You can expand them. And you can see when you add more tasks into here that they get a nice visual representation. So what am I going to do later? I might publish my content on the web. Right. So that's two things in later and one in soon. Do presentation on Ayoa. ### Create Dependencies Presenter ([08:09](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=489.52&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) Now, these aren't necessarily in the right order. What you can do in this canvas view is effectively link tasks and show that they are dependencies. You can move them around a lot as well. So in fact, I might say this is soon. And then just by dropping one onto the other, I create this dependency which says basically that I have to write the intro text before I do the presentation. Right, so these are nice ways to play around with things. We haven't got many tasks here, but you can see that that gives you a visual way to play with your task board. You can go back to the workflow view, and obviously this - do presentation on Ayoa and write text - are both now here, and they've both been put into the soon category. ## Gantt timeline Presenter ([09:07](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=547.71&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) So let's have a quick look the other way we can manage this task board. So there's a Gantt timeline. So here, what we're doing is we're actually really scheduling things onto the calendar. So instead of just doing the order, the sequence of things and what's dependent on one another, here, we're actually putting things into... Sorry, I'll just change that around. We're actually putting things onto the diary, effectively. Presenter ([09:44](https://www.happyscribe.com/transcriptions/8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37/edit?organization_id=8359573&position=584.73&utm_source=happyscribe&utm_medium=document_deep_link&utm_campaign=editor_copy_all&utm_content=8de4c6428eb94c559caa5a9c329e7b37)) If I say my intro text is going to take me a couple of days to write, I'm saying here that I'm going to do it on the 14th and 15th of August, 15th and 16th of August. Then I'm going to do the present presentation on Ayoa next week. You can see that it already draws in this dependency that we fixed earlier on in the canvas view. That's going to do... That's probably just one day, but it makes it difficult to read. Right, so that's the Gantt timeline. So you're starting to... You're firming up your commitments to do this text and this presentation. You've got to say that one's before the other, and you're actually putting it into the diary onto dates.